Magnum One
Magnum One (Mid-American Digital) (Disc Manufacturing).iso
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Assembly Source File
103 lines
; RLINE.ASM --- read line from text file (MS-DOS version)
; Copyright (c) 1989 Ziff Communications Co.
; PC Magazine * Ray Duncan
; Call with: DS:DX = buffer address
; CX = buffer size
; BX = text file handle
; Buffer should be larger than any line that
; will be encountered in the text file.
; Returns: AX = length of line including new-line
; delimiter character(s), or 0 if
; end of file or no delimiter found.
; DS:DX = text address
; Other registers preserved.
_DATA segment word public 'DATA'
nl db 0dh,0ah ; MS-DOS logical new-line
nl_len equ $-nl
_DATA ends
_TEXT segment word public 'CODE'
extrn strndx:near ; string search utility
assume cs:_TEXT
public rline
rline proc near
push bx ; save registers
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
push es
; read chunk from file...
mov ah,3fh ; Fxn 3FH = read
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
jc rline8 ; jump if read error
or ax,ax ; end of file?
jz rline9 ; yes, jump
push ax ; save actual data length
push bx ; save input file handle
push dx ; save buffer base address
push ds
push ds ; set up for delimiter search
pop es ; ES:DI = string to search
push dx
pop di
mov dx,ax ; DX = string length
mov si,DGROUP ; DS:SI = delimiter address
mov ds,si
mov si,offset DGROUP:nl
mov bx,nl_len ; BX = delimiter length
call strndx ; search for delimiter
pop ds ; restore buffer base address
pop dx
pop bx ; restore input file handle
pop ax ; restore original read length
jc rline8 ; jump if no delimiter found
add di,nl_len ; calculate line length
sub di,dx
push di ; and save it
sub ax,di ; calculate read excess
neg ax
mov cx,ax ; CX:DX = amount to back
xchg dx,cx ; up file pointer
mov ax,4201h ; Function 42H = seek
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
pop ax ; get back line length
jmp rline9 ; and return it to caller
rline8: xor ax,ax ; end of file or other error,
; set line length = 0
rline9: pop es ; restore registers
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
ret ; return line length
rline endp
_TEXT ends